Cannabis Madness

Marijuana prohibition propaganda like the 1936 movie called Reefer Madness certainly amplified lies about how smoking weed caused loss of self control due to psychosis and would certainly lead to a life of crime and hardship brought on by the instant rock-bottom-deadly-drug-addiction-scenario illustrated in the film. Overblown to be sure but the gulible public, or rather the white, upwardly mobile, fearful parents of teenagers in suburban America emerging from the Great Depression eagerly believed and retold the lies they themselves were told to keep others from ever getting mixed up with using the “Devil’s Lettuce”. Armed with a false sense of security, ignorance and righteous indignation the nation’s clumsy Drug War began to stumble forward.

Some Downsides To Using Cannabis

Propaganda helps to reinforce enforcement and lies are difficult to unhear but it’s worth considering some of the talking points of the era of American reefer madness do have roots in what could be described as downsides to using cannabis. Dependance and addiction to THC can be a real thing and adversely impacts lives, not to the degree depicted in the eighty six year old black and white film but illness can be caused by the use of cannabis and it can be serious.


Regular, daily, heavy use of cannabis can raise a person’s tolerance to the effects of cannabis and can lead to dependence. A person will need more and more marijuana to achieve the same effects they originally enjoyed when they initiated recreational or occasional use. This dependency can be unhealthy and lead to destructive behavoirs that can stress and erode mental health. Take symptoms of dependency seriously and consult a physician when mental or physical health are of concern.


Beyond dependency, another very real danger can occur in 6-9% of users. Known as addiction or abuse, an over-dependence on cannabis can cause people to allow responsibilities and relationships suffer from neglect. They can endanger themselves or others through reckless behavior like driving while high without realizing their own impairment. For a person with an addiction to weed, the pursuit of intoxicating effects can overshadow activities and pursuits that were once important and getting high can become the substitute hobby. Again, a physician or medical expert should be allowed to properly address any concerns about addiction and it’s important to recognize that despite no lethal dose of THC has ever been recorded, there are significant health dangers to consider and know about.

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

One very serious physical condition that can affect some chronic, heavy cannabis users is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) and is characterized by abdominal pain, severe nausea and vomiting that cannot be relieved except by taking a hot bath or shower, which sufferers of CHS are compelled to do in search of relief. Returning to cannabis use once the symptoms are gone can cause the vomiting to return. Abstaining from any ingestion of cannabis seems to permanently alleviate the symptoms I’ve described. Is CHS caused by a cannabinoid imbalance, residual pesticide or toxins present in the cannabis or some other factor we don’t understand yet? Good questions to think about while we continue to research the downsides of weed.

The Devil’s Lettuce

One thing’s of sure; knowledge is a good tool in defense of reefer madness and panic. Propaganda is insidious and diminishes a person’s sense of control. Avoid this loss of control by being curious and critically thinking about facts and data. It’s a path to knowing the truth. Sure smoking weed can have some downsides. Some real dangers even. But, is it really the “Devil’s lettuce” as some have called it? I don’t think so.

Speaking of the Devil’s lettuce, what other derogatory words for cannabis can you think of? Let me know what you can come up with. I’ll start with, “Marihuana” – what else do you have? Leave me a comment below.

2 responses to “Cannabis Madness”

    • Thank you for your comments! I’m so psyched to see that I’ve created engagement with this post. Little victories. Seriously, you inspire me and really influenced me to do this so thank you.